The Last Turn

  • Arrows ____ up, down, left, right
  • A ___________ a, z, =
  • B ___________ b, x, -
  • Select ______ Shift, Tab, [
  • Start _______ Enter, ]

This was independently created as a part of the "20 Second Game Jam 2023" using the GB Studio engine.

For this specific challenge of making the gameplay last only 20 seconds, I opted for a non-linear cyclical approach. That way players can find little hidden clues to uncover the larger story through the different endings.

It was fun working on this during my spare time and I'm glad I manage to finally decide on what game engine to use (it took like four other prototypes along the way).

As always, thanks for playing!


Honorary Bughunter List (Thank you!):

Development log


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I like the base idea around the game, the art the sound effect are nice, the brancing path is a cool idea to explore a game from the same starting points.

That said, for me this breaks the 20 second game jam “spirit”. I clearly spend more than 20 seconds on each branch of the path. Yeah, actual gameplay outside the scrolling menus and cutsense might be less than 20 second, but notice we say outside of that. I feel the whole expereience should last 20 seconds, not pressing buttons only, and waiting for cutsenes. I just feels like a loophole to me.

Also please check your audio levels, on my end everything was waaaay to loud.

That said, the project is nice, well used with the engine!

Thanks for the heads up on the volume, I slightly adjusted it.

As for the game jam rules, yeah I'll keep it mind for the future. (At the time I debated between letting the game die or taking a shot anyways.)

The art is nice, the sounds are little disturbing to be honest.

I don't  see here 20 seconds gameplay, I felt like it was way longer.

Don't understand what to do how why and where to go... but I manadged to attack enemy 3 times and dodge 3 of enemy attacks and then the game just ends.

Interesting concept, maybe the idea here is to force player to replay the same 20 seconds story to find a perfect ending, but for me it's not very clear how to even control the character and make decisions - it could be way clearer.

(1 edit)

The interesting thing about this game jam is how they don't count cutscenes and menus into the time limit. The only part of the game where the players can make decisions/gameplay would be the 'what would you do?' and the dodging section.

I'll definingly keep this in mind for future game making (this was the first 'outside of school' game jam I participated in.) Thank you for playing.

Author's Note: Day 2 of Release

There had been a couple of DMs about the game so I thought to post my answers here.

Each attempt through the game takes about 20 seconds, but the players can find different endings depending on the choices made during their attempt.

"How many endings are there?"  About 1 or 2 dozen.

"What's your favorite ending?" The one with the merchant ship and Jelly.

"Will you keep working on the game?" For now I want to see what players think of the game as it currently is. Later on I will either add in a couple more endings or expand the story in an entirely new game.

The Last Turn Gameplay

Thanks for playing.

Wow i love the Art!
But the only thing that happens in the fight is that i coudn't do the dodge. And after a minute or so i die :D

Thanks for the feedback. Ah yes, so the fun thing about the dodging mechanic is that it is a timed event. Try using the arrow keys quick enough for the player to "move" out of the way. See if that makes a difference. If that doesn't work I'll dig around in the code. Happy gaming!